Thursday, March 27, 2014



Have you ever had one of those days
When everything that could goes wrong
It may just start with something small
Like constantly singing the same song

Then you go to get on the computer and
The server has changed things around
You keep trying to get into your email
But sadly it’s nowhere to be found

So you decide to take out the daily trash
The bag is overflowing and it’s very heavy
It tears and everything falls all over the place
And your clothes get covered with gravy

Finally when you get the mess cleaned up
You open the door and the dog escapes
It makes you wonder what else could go wrong
So far your day has been filled with sour grapes

That’s the time when you need to pause
You need to take one giant step back
If the rest of the day continues like this
It’s just liable to cause a heart attack

Instead of fretting about all that’s happened
There is something else that you can do
Just turn these frustrations over to the Lord
And then you can start the day anew

The Lord will bear your burden
By yourself you can’t fix the mess
Move on with the rest of the day
And God will take care of the rest

Stay calm and go about your business
It’s amazing how it will all work out
All because you let go and let God
That’s really what it’s all about

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