Friday, March 26, 2021






You all know the story about when Moses

Told Egypt's pharaoh to let God's People go

And because he had a very hardened heart

Pharaoh's responded with a resounding no


So God brought many plagues upon Egypt but

Pharaoh would not yield until the very last one

After ordering all of the Jewish first born slain

God did the exact same thing to pharaoh's son


Again after saying, "go" he changed his mind

And commanded his army to kill all that flee

God parted the water and they went safely across but

Pharaoh's army was swallowed up by the raging sea


God commanded the Jew to observe Passover each year

Years later Yeshua came so that we could know Salvation

And at a Passover seder which was to be his very last meal

This is what the Lord said to His disciples in conversation


Eat of this matzo for it is My Body that will be broken

Drink of this wine for symbolizes the blood I will shed

My Life will be forfeit so that my Father forgives all sin

Both turbulence and joy will you see in the years ahead


This is the very reason that we celebrate communion

Remembering the Lamb of God and the fate He met

And why all believers tell of that fateful day

During Passover so that we will never forget


The day is coming when the Lord will return to earth

I believe that we are a part of this end time generation

Those who are lifted up and pass through Heaven's gates

Have been bestowed with the Lord God's Eternal Salvation

Saturday, March 20, 2021



God had decreed that the Holy of Holys
Could only be entered by the High Priest
But now through Yeshua all can go there
From the greatest to the very least

The explanation of this wondrous change is so that
When we accept Him as the Messiah of all mankind
He will in return gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit
And we can tell God directly what's on our mind

This is one of the many gifts that Yeshua gave us
When He sacrificed His life to forgive all of our sins
We have also received the gift of eternal life
From the very first day that our Salvation begins

Isn't it great that God hears us anytime day or night
Because the Holy Spirit provides the way
The quickest way to reach him though
Is when we take the time to pray

Don't selfishly pray for personal wants
For that is the mortal sin of selfish greed
By faith and through good deeds and works
God will provide everything that we truly need

One day through Messiah we'll be closer to God
What an awesome blessing for us that will be
Well live in mansions where our treasures are stored
Where the Grace of God our Father is the only key

Saturday, March 13, 2021




All the people of the earth seek

Salvation in one form or another

That day will only come in the Lord's time

When we recognize all as sister and brother


We are all children of the Living God

A fact that many people do not know

True believers still confess daily sins although

Messiah's Blood cleansed them white as snow


 Those who believe in God

But do not accept his son

In God's Time their eyes will be opened

And they will worship Israel's Holy One


Then there are the atheists and idol worshipers

Who utter, "Oh God" when they have troubles

Statues won't answer and atheists are confused

Because Yeshua Our Lord has burst their bubble


Messiah will return riding on a cloud

When all the people of the earth proclaim,

"Blessed is He who comes

 In His Father's Name"


Into God's Kingdom He will lead them

The souls of His Children will be free

New Jerusalem will be their home

In the vast forever of eternity