Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Certain poems that God has given me are worth repeating. This is one of those poems that I’ve posted for the past 3 Christmases. It was written for my Christian Brothers and Sisters because I love and respect them. As Messianic Jews however, we also believe in Yeshua (It’s the Hebrew name given to Him at birth which means Salvation.)  We don’t celebrate December 25th as the Lord’s birth date, because we don’t know the actual day or month that He was born. We can only speculate. Dec. 25th was chosen by the first Pope, the Roman Emperor Constantine for political reasons and has never been changed. As always a second poem will follow.


Once again it’s that time of year
When Christmas comes at last
Celebrating with family and friends
And ageless memories of the past

It is a joyous time of year
Carolers sing and shopping’s in season
But what we all need to remember is
The true meaning and the reason

This is the day that is celebrated as the
Birthday of the Messiah of all mankind
Those who just think of it commercially
Must surely be spiritually blind

The blood that Yeshua shed cleansed all of sin
For He was God the Father’s Unblemished Lamb
Only by professing our faith in Him as Messiah
Will we get to be with Father God The Great I Am

When we gather together on this special day
Let us pray that next year we will meet again
Thank the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
And to this all of God’s Children say, “AMEN.”

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