Sunday, August 7, 2011



Unless you’re looking to be judged yourself
The Lord said that you shouldn’t judge others
And although I know that I have many faults
I have questions of my spiritual sisters and brothers

When you enter a religious sanctuary
I assume that do so with total respect
But if you were to look just a little bit closer
These are some things on which to reflect

Is your phone on silent during the service
If not I’d ask you to please turn it off
The sound that it makes is very disruptive
Much more so than a sneeze or a loud cough

Something else that needs to be addressed
Is about the type of clothing that you wear
You need not be dressed to the nines but
How you’re dressed may show how you care

Would you wear jeans to a new job interview
Maybe if your qualifications were the very best
God’s standards are much higher than employers
What makes you feel that you would pass His test

But if all that you own is jeans and tee shirts
Then God bless you come worship as you are
Wearing shorts a mini skirt or low cut blouse
Perhaps you should worship from your car

Then there is also the oblivious parent
Whose child is not quiet during service
I come to God’s House to praise Him and
Frankly all that noise makes me nervous

Sitters are provided for this purpose
Using it would be showing great respect
I’ve had my say and made my points
Now all I’m asking is for you to reflect

If I were doing something disrespectful
I would ask you to tell me the same way
Because the purpose of being at a service
Is to worship the Lord our God and pray

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