Wednesday, August 3, 2022

GOD's Perfect Plan

 GOD’S Perfect plan

What in the world is it going to take
To rid this planet of jealousy and hate
Has satan's grip consumed so many people that
For some when Messiah comes it will be too late

There are many different beliefs in Go
But we know that only the one who lives is true
Just how do we know this to be a fact
It's because the Holy Spirit lives inside of you

To love thy neighbor as thy self
Is a prime commandment that Yeshua did decree
And not just to turn the other cheek
But He also said to also love your enemy

So long as tyranny and greed exist in our lifetime
Only God is capable of turning things around
Until then we can make His Task much easier
By ministering so that His Lost Sheep can be found

Then one by one satan will lose his grip
Because so many believers confess their sins and
The day of God’s choosing when Messiah Returns
Is when eternal life for new believers begins