Saturday, December 24, 2022



We know the date that Yeshua’s birth is celebrated
The church in Rome decided on this particular day
It had nothing to do with the Messiah’s actual birth
It was instituted by them to make paganism go away

Not one person knew the exact date of Yeshua’s birth
So I guess this day to celebrate was as good as any
What’s important here is the fact that He was born
To be loved, revered and Deified by so very many

And as the very famous saying goes,
“Yeshua is the reason for the season.”
Those who deny Him will be condemned
To the dark pit of hell for eternal treason

But if you love and revere Him as Lord
He will surely return that love to you
Make Yeshua an integrated part of your life and
He’ll influence everything that you think say and do

Yeshua is an integral part of God’s eternal plan
In the Tri-Unity of the Holy Spirit Father and Son
So we accept this day even though it was chosen by man
To celebrate Messiah’s birth and the victory that He won


Wednesday, November 23, 2022




We’ll be spending our Thanksgiving
By driving over to Grandma’s house
Not a soul will go hungry
Not even a little mouse

She started preparing
On the night before
If there was anything missing
She sent Grandpa to the store

Everything must be perfect
On this day you see
For it isn’t very often
That we gather as a family

After a long trip we arrive there
The first thing we do is turn on the TV
To watch the Thanksgiving Day parade
There are marching bands and floats to see

Before we begin eating
We hold hands and pray
Thank you Lord for the blessings
That you have given us this day

And we also pray a special blessing for
The men and women who protect our liberty
Please God keep them safe from harm
They understand that freedom isn’t free

Then Grandpa says, “Let’s eat I’m starving.”
The first thing on the menu is soup in a cup
In the background we listen to Holiday music
This always helps us to keeps our spirits up

Uncle Charlie carves the turkey and
Asks if we want dark meat or white
And even with this many people
There will be plenty to take home tonight

Pass the gravy and the rolls please
The peas and sweet potatoes too
The cornbread stuffing is delicious
And may I have some apple cider too

When we finish with the main course
The women will help to put things away
While the men go and watch a football game
Actually there are several of them on TV today

Once everything else has been cleaned up
Grandma serves coffee and pumpkin pie
All of a sudden it feels like we’re stuffed
For same strange reason we wonder why

Before we head back to our homes
There are still two things to be done
First we help to set up the Christmas tree
Then we join hands and thank the Holy One

Thank you Lord for the blessings of this special day
We ask for traveling mercies and Your Grace again
May all of our hearts be filled with Your Goodness
And to this prayer all of Your Children say, “AMEN.”

Sunday, November 13, 2022



Give thanks to the Lord God our creator
Whose power is Omnipotent and Grand
Yet so many people do not accept Him
Because of things they don’t understand

It’s quite a very simple concept which
Even some men of science can agree
Although they say theoretically that
They have proven that this cannot be

I am far from being a biblical scholar but
I do believe what the bible says and means
Because I have blind faith in God’s Divinity
Those theories aren’t worth a hill of beans

I wasn’t there to see the things that happened
But I believe what was written and will testify
That God gave it to His prophets to write down
We know that God can’t doesn’t and won’t lie

Those that finally do accept God’s written word
Come to faith when they feel that all else is lost
They can see that God is always there to turn to
Yet still don’t understand the price that it cost

Father God gave to the world His only begotten Son
Whose blood atonement frees us from all worldly sin
But only if you will profess Him as Lord and Messiah
At that moment your circumstances become a win/ win

At this point your life starts a new beginning and no end
For when you pass away God has granted you eternal life
To enter His kingdom with all of your heavenly treasures
Abiding with the Lord freed from sickness pain and strife

You must also understand that this gift does not come free
Daily you must ask forgiveness for sins that you may not see
Becoming a vessel for the Lord and spreading God’s Word
Is not only a blessing but a vital part of your responsibility

Monday, October 3, 2022



Y  Tells me that my God is the God of yesterday today and tomorrow
O is meant for God’s Commandments which we must obey
M gives us the message that Messiah will be coming back

K is the knowledge that only God will choose the time and day
I declare that I am not ashamed to profess Yeshua as my Messiah
P is my pride in declaring that I’m a Messianic Jew
P also tells me that I need to be prepared for the rapture at any time
U uplifts my Spirit knowing that the time is drawing nearer too
R shouts that God’s Ruach blesses all believers and I pray that means you

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Compassionate Lord

 Compassionate Lord

Thank you lord for your compassion
Although you know I'd committed sin
I didn't let go and let God in a situation 
Which should have only been win/win

On that day when I fell extremely ill
You chose to warn this wretched soul
Instead of bringing me to judgement
You chose healing and make me whole

For you saw that I'd found salvation
Through the blood shed by your Son
Messiah Yeshua the king of kings
The hope of Israel and holy One

I will abide by your decisions although
I know that my flesh would not agree
For your Holy Spirit lives within me
And it has set this captive free

I will exalt you my Lord forever
With fervent prayer and praise
And use this gift you've given me
To help lead home your strays

God of mercy and compassion
Your strength is my source
Guide me father in all your ways
Keep me steadfast on the course

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

GOD's Perfect Plan

 GOD’S Perfect plan

What in the world is it going to take
To rid this planet of jealousy and hate
Has satan's grip consumed so many people that
For some when Messiah comes it will be too late

There are many different beliefs in Go
But we know that only the one who lives is true
Just how do we know this to be a fact
It's because the Holy Spirit lives inside of you

To love thy neighbor as thy self
Is a prime commandment that Yeshua did decree
And not just to turn the other cheek
But He also said to also love your enemy

So long as tyranny and greed exist in our lifetime
Only God is capable of turning things around
Until then we can make His Task much easier
By ministering so that His Lost Sheep can be found

Then one by one satan will lose his grip
Because so many believers confess their sins and
The day of God’s choosing when Messiah Returns
Is when eternal life for new believers begins

Thursday, July 28, 2022



Many synagogues and churches have made changes
In God's Word that would suit their very own needs
Because on the first day that it was given to mankind
This absolutely isn't how the Word of the Lord reads

Should we consider those
Who do this to be a fool
When He gave His Perfect Word to us
He told us to use it as a learning tool

Now I can understand certain changes in
Languages that conform to modern times
But please don't change its meaning
This is one of many ungodly crimes

God 's Decree to each one of his children is to praise
Worship and serve Him for He knows that we can
Those who sit back and do absolutely nothing
Are not conforming to The Lord's Perfect Plan

The more that we do everything that God asks us to do
The more that your heavenly storehouse will overflow
But if you should sit back and let others do instead
Don't ever think that the Lord of Hosts doesn't know

Time is growing shorter here on the earth
We must do our very best in this endeavor
Everyone needs to accept His son as Messiah
So that God's Eternal plan will be ours forever

Saturday, June 18, 2022

make the right choice

 make the right choice

From the morning when I wake up
Until I fall asleep at night
GOD is ever present on my mind
He is my guiding light

Some may not agree with this
For there is always work to be done
But you see His spirit dwells within me
And guides my path as we are one

Before the time that we are born
GOD has a purpose for us all
Yet He has given us the will to choose
B there are many that won’t heed the call

To all of those who chose wrong paths,
There’s still cause for celebration
If you accept Yeshua as Messiah
GOD’s gift to you is called salvation

Messiah shed His blood for all
Absolving sin and granting life eternal
Profess your belief in the son of GOD
It’s the only way out of life infernal

Monday, May 30, 2022




This is my country that's  called
The Land of the brave and the free
Yes this is my country
But not the way I'd like it to be

It wasn’t very many years ago
When patriotism was the norm
But as the years went passing by
It was like the calm before the storm

A person’s rights became more important
Than the principles this country stands for
And God who is the founder of our freedom
Is being told to exit through our back door

The people who have taken our freedoms away
Are really just a very minute minority
I say,” Let’s take these freedoms back.”
It’s something that God would like to see

There are a lot of important issues
Which have a need to be addressed
But we’ve become so complacent
It makes so many feel depressed

Let’s start with our houses of worship
That back away rather than to offend
Although their position isn’t biblical
God’s word will prevail in the very end
Whatever happened to the institution
Of the marriage of a man and wife and
Many are choosing to have babies first
This definitely isn’t the way to start a life

The churches and synagogues must lead the way
Showing those who stray God’s truth in the bible
Because at the very end it will the Lord’s decision
And His Judgement will hold you liable

In no way am I being judgmental
I just write the words God has gives to me
If you’ve strayed return to God’s flock
Making the changes that will set you free

I can write about these things however
The changes must come from all of us
So if you read this I only hope and pray
That you'll climb aboard the changing bus

As for me although this is my country
As a Jew Israel is my Spiritual Homeland
And even though I may never get there
It’s still the way that God had it planned


 My computer has been out of service . I'll start posting again . Thanks for your patience

Saturday, April 16, 2022




 You all know the story about when Moses

Told Egypt's pharaoh to let God's People go

And because he had a very hardened heart

Pharaoh's responded with a resounding no


So God brought many plagues upon Egypt but

Pharaoh would not yield until the very last one

After ordering all of the Jewish first born slain

God did the exact same thing to pharaoh's son


Again after saying, "go" he changed his mind

And commanded his army to kill all that flee

God parted the water and they went safely across but

Pharaoh's army was swallowed up by the raging sea


God commanded the Jew to observe Passover each year

Years later Yeshua came so that we could know Salvation

And at a Passover seder which was to be his very last meal

This is what the Lord said to His disciples in conversation


Eat of this matzo for it is My Body that will be broken

Drink of this wine for symbolizes the blood I will shed

My Life will be forfeit so that my Father forgives all sin

Both turbulence and joy will you see in the years ahead


This is the very reason that we celebrate communion

Remembering the Lamb of God and the fate He met

And why all believers tell of that fateful day

During Passover so that we will never forget


The day is coming when the Lord will return to earth

I believe that we are a part of this end time generation

Those who are lifted up and pass through Heaven's gates

Have been bestowed with the Lord God's Eternal Salvation

Saturday, March 19, 2022



Are you going though financial burdens
Do they cause you severe depression
Perhaps God is testing your resolve
Because His economy is never in recession

He has commanded us to tithe faithfully
Give Him ten percent right off the top
If you think that all your bills come first
You'd better put that notion to a stop

Why not take a moment to reflect on this
Do you want your storehouse to overflow
By tithing faithfully you will be blessed
In Malachi 3:10 the bible tells you so

Step away from the illogical reasoning that says to
Pay your debts first and if there is left over to give
For if you pray to God to help you solve this problem
His Response will show you that it's not the way to live

Why not go to the Lord in prayer and say,
"Yes Lord I am listening and I will obey"
And later as you reflect upon your action
Most likely your hardship has gone away

Then go to God with a prayer of thanks
For cleansing you of your worldly ways
Walk the narrow path of righteousness and
Be blessed for the remainder of your days

Thursday, February 10, 2022



Many synagogues and churches have made changes
In God's Word that would suit their very own needs
Because on the first day that it was given to mankind
This absolutely isn't how the Word of the Lord reads

Should we consider those
Who do this to be a fool
When He gave His Perfect Word to us
He told us to use it as a learning tool

Now I can understand certain changes in
Languages that conform to modern times
But please don't change its meaning
This is one of many ungodly crimes

God 's Decree to each one of his children is to praise
Worship and serve Him for He knows that we can
Those who sit back and do absolutely nothing
Are not conforming to The Lord's Perfect Plan

The more that we do everything that God asks us to do
The more that your heavenly storehouse will overflow
But if you should sit back and let others do instead
Don't ever think that the Lord of Hosts doesn't know

Time is growing shorter here on the earth
We must do our very best in this endeavor
Everyone needs to accept His son as Messiah
So that God's Eternal plan will be ours forever

Sunday, January 16, 2022



In Jewish numerology
There is the number eight
It stands for new beginnings
Starting life with a clean slate

New beginnings can mean many things
But first and foremost is the one
To profess belief in the Messiah
Yeshua who is God’s son

He gave His life and shed His blood
As creation’s only perfect Lamb
Sacrificed to cleans our sins and light the way
To God our father the great I Am

The way is very simple
Pray for the forgiveness of your sins and
Accept Messiah into your heart and life
It’s your ticket to the promise land

Don’t give this a second thought
Or do it on a whim
Profess Yeshua as Messiah
The only way to the Father is Yeshua

Wednesday, January 5, 2022



A message that never grows old!

 Another twelve months have come and gone 

 And for a brief moment you need to look back Not at the year’s events in the news but At the good you did and what did you lack.

 Were you one of those who were in the world or Did you spread God’s word as He commands.
What can you do that will bless God in the New Year That you know fits in with His eternal plans.

 It may just be some little things Such as kindness giving and love But things like this all fit right into 

What God is doing from up above Spread God’s word when and where you can Tell everyone about Yeshua God’s only Son How He died that your sins would be forgiven By your example show the victory that He won.
Do these things throughout the coming year God will grant you blessings beyond measure And when your time on the earth has ended You’ll reap the benefits of your heavenly treasure