Thy word have I hidden in my heart
That I might not sin against Thee
These are the words that King David wrote
In Psalms that so profoundly apply to me
I cannot quote the bible by chapter and verse
Primarily because I am legally blind
And now that I'm getting on in years
It doesn't store as easily in my mind
But God has given me the gift of writing verse
As a blessing that puts His Point across
Like how His Only Son died to forgive our sins
A winning situation that appeared to be God's loss
Then God raised Messiah from the dead
And now He's seated at God's Right Hand
He has been given all power and authority
To judge all the people from every land
One day God will send Yeshua back to us
He will come from the east riding on a cloud
To lead the souls of true believers
Into God's Abundant Promise Land
The unbeliever still has time
But does not know how or what to do
Sincerely accept Yeshua as your Messiah
God's plan for both the Gentile and the Jew
A simple prayer and act of faith will determine
The direction that your soul will go
Through the pearly gates into Eternal Life or
Without it infernal torment in the pit below
I know that you would choose eternal life
And it comes with a few simple rules
Love God and your neighbor as yourself
He's provided you with all the tools
To read and practice His Written Word
To faithfully tithe and serve willingly
Pray and praise God and Messiah every single day Through the Holy Spirit to the best of your ability