Monday, April 26, 2021




Even if you don’t make time for God

He always has the time for you

Why not spend some time with Him

He’ll be happy when you do


Sit down and read the bible

I think you’ll be surprised

To find so many prophecies fulfilled

Much more than you had realized


A man called Jesus or Yeshua

Was the Messiah that all prophecies fulfilled

Including the one that was written

Telling of His death and His blood spilled


The offering of sacrifice to G-d

Had to be an unblemished lamb

The only one Who was that pure

Was the Son in flesh of the great I am


The blood he shed cleansed all of sin

The sacrifice offering was no more

He died for us and rose again

To let God’s light shine through the door


And when you see the pearly gates

There is but one way to get through

Act now and profess God’s son as Messiah

The gates will only open if you do

Thursday, April 8, 2021





I bend my knees before the Lord My Maker

For He alone is my Salvation

My first allegiance is to Him

For I am a part of His Creation


God does not ask very much of us

Just to follow His Commandments and laws

He knows that as humans we're not perfect

And is forgiving of our many flaws


He also told us that He's a jealous God

Serve and exalt Him with reverent fear

He alone is the only true living God and

In His Time the others will all disappear


In life we are all to minister from the bible

Spreading the good news of Messiah His Son

Whose blood in death washed away total sin

For everyone professing belief in the Holy One


Messiah will come back one day

The New Covenant has told us so

And though we long for His return

The timing is only G-d's to know


From the East He will come at the shofar's blast

He will leas us back to the promise land

New Jerusalem God's Heavenly Kingdom

Each step was pre-destined and pre-planned


We may not completely understand it all

It is far beyond our comprehensive realm

Just to believe is a deep step of blind faith

Knowing that God Our Father is at the helm