I have seen so many religious hypocrites
But God has told me that I
shouldn't judge
So I put all situations like
this into The Lord's hands
It's a Godly Command from
which I will not budge
It is not enough just to
attend religious services
Just good works won't get you
heaven bound
By accepting Messiah as Lord
and savior
You'll be turning your entire
life around
When your life on this planet
is finished
The judgement you face is in
your hands
The only unquestionable way to
do this
Is by obeying all that the Lord
One example which I can give
you is
In life don't put on that
blinder hood
Learn to love your neighbor as
God said to do this for His
Greater Good
God is not there just for when
you need him
He is there for you through
all night and day
You can reach Him anytime
When seek Him you just need to
You may not get the answer
that you seek
Perhaps what you ask should
not be done
But it comes From God who is
right and just
Who else could have sacrificed
His only Son
Yeshua's blood was shed for
your salvatio
From this there's a lesson
that you must learn
It is to follow His Word as
best you can and
And God will always stand by
you in return
He's told you to go forth and
minister His Word
From Genesis all the of way
through Revelation
Messiah's return will be
coming really soon because
All of the signs point to us
as the end time generation
If through your ministry only
one person finds Salvation
And they follow your example
by dong the same as you
Multitudes will come to know
the Glory of the Lord God
And they will be among those
who are heaven bound too
When you go through the Pearly
Gates there are riches
Which go beyond anything you
could possibly measure
But the greatest reward that
you will receive on that day is
That Father God through Yeshua
is your heavenly treasure