In six days God created all
On the seventh He did proclaim,
"The Sabbath would be a day of rest"
And commanded us to do the same
From the setting of the sun on Friday
Through the same time Saturday
Is the holiest of all God's days
A time set apart to rest and pray
At this time we come together
In a sanctuary beneath His covering
And God's presence can be felt
Indwelling and protectively hovering
From the kindling of the Sabbath candles
To The Aaronic benediction
This ritual is observed by Jews worldwide
With just one contradiction
Messianic Jews and Gentiles worship together
And God's truth is what is known
That our Messiah the Son of God
Came once and will return to bring us home
To this end we bless and praise G-d
and Yeshua
And although They are one Trinity
For when you accept God's Son as Messiah
His Holy Spirit lives within you and me
As the sunset ends the seventh day
It marks the beginning of another week
Keep the Lord in your heart and mind
For through our faith it is Him we seek
If God grants us another breath or day
We pray that we make it to our next Sabbath eve
Go forth and spread the gospel of our Lord
To all the lost souls who still do not believe
In the end there is but one way
To be with God for your final rest
You must profess Yeshua as Messiah and
The gates will open you've passed the test