You all know the
story about when Moses
Told Egypt's pharaoh
to let God's people go
And because he had a
very hardened heart
Pharaoh's responded
with a resounding no
So God brought many
plagues upon Egypt but
Pharaoh would not
yield until the very last one
After ordering all of
the Jewish first born slain
God did the exact
same thing to pharaoh's son
Again after saying "go",
he changed his mind
Commanding his army
to kill all that would flee
God parted the water
and they went safely across but
Pharaoh's army was
swallowed up by the raging sea
God commanded the Jew
to observe Passover each year
Years later Yeshua
came so that we could know Salvation
And at a Passover Seder
which was to be His very last meal
This is what the Lord
said to His disciples in conversation,
“Eat of this matzo
for it is My body that will be broken.
Drink of this wine
for it symbolizes the blood I will shed.
My life will be
forfeit so that My Father forgives all sin
Both turbulence and
joy will you see in the years ahead.”
This is the very
reason that we celebrate Communion
Remembering the Lamb
of God and the fate He met
And why all believers
tell of that fateful day
During Passover so
that we will never forget
The day is coming
when the Lord will return to earth
I believe that we are
a part of this end time generation
Those who are lifted
up and pass through heaven's gates
Have been bestowed
with the Lord God's Eternal Salvation