Tuesday, February 27, 2018



I’ve seen much advancement in my lifetime
Mostly for greater good but some not so
As we as a nation over two hundred years
Continue on our path to evolve and grow

I’ve heard it said that any democracy doesn’t
Last for longer than about two hundred years
We’re made it almost two hundred and forty
Despite those who may have had doubts or fears

The reason that we’ve been around so long is
That we were formed under God’s protection
I’m sad though that in the last several years
We’ve been heading in the wrong direction

Since the Lord God is All Seeing and All Knowing
We the nation’s people need to correct our path
Or suffer the fate like those other democracies
Whose demise was a direct result of God’s Wrath

There are so many changes that need to be made
Finding a Spiritual House of Worship would be first
Where God is the primary focus of the service and
The congregants rejoice with a hunger and thirst

However the plans we make are not God’s Plans
That means the Lord’s Decision is our destiny
What matters most is to receive God’s Salvation
To live a life that allows us to be Spiritually Free

Wednesday, February 21, 2018



Let me tell you a beautiful story
Believe me every word of it true
God knows your every though
It's happened to us and perhaps to you

Many times on the way to Worship services
We know that our conversation has been heard
For when the Rabbi gives his sermon
What we've discussed is in his word

Even though his message is for many
God is showing us what we need to do
We know that His Word is always right
Because we listen and follow through

Trust in the Lord in all things
Man will just string you along
For when you follow what God's decrees
He knows that your faith in Him is strong

Monday, February 12, 2018



Do you know that you’re God’s Valentine
The Lord will love you through eternity
Just look at the ultimate sacrifice He made
To absolve your sins and to set you free

Just like a parent who gives birth to a child
Father God in His Own Image created you
Do you give thanks to Him on a daily basis
If not it’s something you really need to do

The Lord will always there at your beck and call
Your best interest is something He alone knows
And as you mature in your wisdom and faith
God knows your love for Him constantly grows

This is God’s Valentine card sent just for you
Through me who is a vessel for God’s Glory
Please send one back to Him in your prayers
God’s Love for you is a never ending story

Sunday, February 4, 2018



Give thanks to the Lord God our creator
Whose power is Omnipotent and Grand
Yet so many people do not accept Him
Because of things they don’t understand

It’s quite a very simple concept which
Even some men of science can agree
Although they say theoretically that
They have proven that this cannot be

I am far from being a biblical scholar but
I do believe what the bible says and means
Because I have blind faith in God’s Divinity
Those theories aren’t worth a hill of beans

I wasn’t there to see the things that happened
But I believe what was written and will testify
That God gave it to His prophets to write down
We know that God can’t doesn’t and won’t lie

Those that finally do accept God’s written word
Come to faith when they feel that all else is lost
They can see that God is always there to turn to
Yet still don’t understand the price that it cost

Father God gave to the world His only begotten Son
Whose blood atonement frees us from all worldly sin
But only if you will profess Him as Lord and Messiah
At that moment your circumstances become a win/ win

At this point your life starts a new beginning and no end
For when you pass away God has granted you eternal life
To enter His kingdom with all of your heavenly treasures
Abiding with the Lord freed from sickness pain and strife

You must also understand that this gift does not come free
Daily you must ask forgiveness for sins that you may not see
Becoming a vessel for the Lord and spreading God’s Word
Is not only a blessing but a vital part of your responsibility