Sunday, September 18, 2016



For years I was highly medicated
I had taking pill after pill after pill
I was baffled why there were so many
Not knowing what made me so very ill

I did not have a strong belief in God
Then a friend said that I should pray
And come to a Messianic Healing Service
It just so happens that there is one today

While I was waiting for my turn
I felt a presence come over me
It felt like I had been consumed
By something that I couldn't see

When the rabbi laid his hands on me
I knew exactly what I had been feeling
The Holy Spirit of God had consumed me and
Told me that there was about to be a healing

This miracle that God had performed
For I’m now free of many pills and pain
Has given mer an entirely new outlook
I'll never doubt the Lord my God again

The Son of God gave His Life for me
He said that by His Stripes I'd heal
I thank the Lord for this awakening
Now I serve Him with zest and zeal

Saturday, September 3, 2016



Yeshua is the Living God
The Son that the Father did ordain
Messiah and King of Israel
Was crucified and rose again

The sacrifice Lamb who took
On the burden of sin for all
Those who accept Him as Lord may stumble
But Yeshua will catch them before they fall

Unbelievers on the other hand
Still mock and curse His Name
When God the Father takes their blinders off
I guarantee that they will never be the same

From the remnant of the Way
Until the dawn of His Return
We all need to read the Word of God because
There is so much more that we need to learn

Only through Yeshua can we reach God the Father
Profess Him as your Lord and Savior this very day
If you don't upon your arrival at the Pearly Gates
You'll find that pride has sent you the other way



The clock of life is wound but once
And no man has the power
To tell just where the hands will stop
At late or early hour
To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed
To lose one’s health is more
To lose one’s soul is such a loss
As no man can restore
The present only is our own
Life Love Toil with a will
Place no faith in tomorrow-for
The clock may then be still.
            Author Unknown