I was blessed to have
an older daughter
Sadly she passed away
at age forty seven
Even though she
didn’t know the Lord
I still believe that
she’s gone to heaven
No one knows what
happens after we pass away
But extra chances are
something that God Gives
Her new home where
she now eternally resides
Surely must be in
heaven with God where she lives
I also have a
daughter that is six years younger
One who I love beyond
the day that I pass away
She’s the epitome of
all a father could wish for
Who loves what she
does on any given day
Natalie was extremely
smart at a very young age
A quality that her
younger sister possessed as well
Both of them leaning
toward an educational career
How far it would take
them only time would tell
As a child Natalie
was always a wealth of curiosity
Looking for the
answer to things she didn’t know
One of the many
things that made her who she was
Throughout her entire
life as she continued to grow
Getting her Bachelors
in three and Masters in one
Teaching was
something she always wanted to do
But striving even
higher to become a principal
Accomplishing this in
an extremely short time too
She got married in
her first year of teaching
Taking three leaves
of absence to have a family
Three beautiful
children that she helped to raise
My grandchildren who
mean everything to me
And now that my
daughter no longer with us
I have many wonderful
memories to recall
Memories to last for
the rest of my lifetime
That at any moment’s
notice I can recall