Thursday, April 24, 2014



The world that we are living in today
Could possibly not be here tomorrow
And those who doubt God’s warning
Could soon be wallowing in sorrow

The bible says that only God knows exactly
What day His wrath will ravage the earth
And believers who know His Saving Grace
Know exactly how much that day is worth

God warned us in the New Covenant of wars
Rumors of wars earthquakes floods and such
If you don’t see these things happening now
I believe that you’re completely out of touch

I didn’t state that it would be imminent
Obviously only God will make that call
We know about yesterday and today
But not if tomorrow He’ll end it all

Your life on earth will not be a pleasant one
When the Lord finally chooses to show His Wrath
If you’re searching for some way out of this dilemma
I can tell you that it’s only by following God’s Path

The only way to do this is by professing that
Yeshua is the Messiah and is your Salvation
And for the forgiveness of your sin for you to
Enter God’s Kingdom with joy and jubilation

Although I can’t make this decision for you
I’ve pointed out what it is that you need to do
Surely you don’t want to befriend the devil
But God left that decision totally up to you



Believers in Yeshua know that
His Shed Blood forgave our sins
But there’s a good deal more to it
This is just where forgiveness begins

If you still hold any malice towards anyone
In your heart you know you’re still sinning
There’s only one real way to end it forever
It’s the only way you’ll come out winning

I can honestly speak from experience
You may think it sounds very odd
It took me a very long time but I
Finally let go and gave it to God

In your case it may be a friend or family member
Co worker or someone you haven’t liked forever
I’m telling you that you need to find inner peace
Before you pass away you must seek this endeavor

Even as a believer in God it’s extremely hard to do 
You’re the only person who can change the situation
Wouldn't it be great to be able to relieve yourself of
The anxiety that you hold on to and the frustration

It’s not going to be an easy task to accomplish
As I said before “It took much too long for me”
So please do what I did Let GO and Let GOD
One more way to help set the Holy Spirit in you free

Wednesday, April 16, 2014



Yeshua is the Messiah and the Son of God
The telling proof is in the Old Testament
Written in the Tenach or Book of Prophets
Read them and you’ll make a commitment

There’s another telling that Isn’t on this list that
Proves that Yeshua is one third of God’s Tri-Unity
The Hebrew word Echad or One is a plurality
Feel free to look it up in the Hebrew dictionary

If you still feel the need to see this for yourself
Email me and I’ll be glad to send you the list
Then when you read it you’ll see for yourself
There’s absolutely nothing that I’ve missed

If you’ve taken it upon yourself to check them out
Perhaps you’re ready to accept Yeshua as the Lord
Then just life the multitudes of those who believe
Your faith will bring you to that ultimate accord

Say these words and Father god will hear you, “Lord,
I ask forgiveness for the sins I committed against you
And I accept Yeshua as my personal Lord and Savior”
Now you’ve become one of God’s creation born anew

There’s so much more that you’ll need to learn and do
For now God knows that you’re off to a very good start
Keep focused on the Lord’s Straight and Narrow Path
His Promise is what the two of you will never be apart

Just one more thing before I put an ending to this poem
My email is on this blog to tell me what you’ve just done
So I’ll know I’ve succeeded as one of God’s Many Vessels

All Praise Be to the Father Son and Spirit the Holy One



I know that there will be scores of people
Who don’t like what I’ve written today
So I’ll let them post or email their opinions
I place a great value on what they have to say

Last century Hitler was the pied piper of Germany
Our President leads the way hands down in this one
His actions or inactions are just another end time sign
Leading to the coming of Messiah who is God’s Son

I have a great deal of respect for the office he holds
But the way he’s abused the Presidency is a sham
The thing that hold my hopes  and dreams together
Is that it’s all part of the plan of the Great I Am

I’ve seen a lot of emails coming from Christians
They’re asking  to help take our country back
I’m a Messianic Jew who believes in the Lord
And feels that our country is under Spiritual attack

Just life many other sects of Jewish People in America
Some Christians were blinders when it comes to Messiah
Many of the so called believers share the same blindness
For the Lord to quicken their hearts is my desire

Since I’m not the one that’s in control of the situation
I’m putting all of my faith and total trust in the Lord
It’s He and He Alone who controls all things in our lives
I pray that one day all will believe will be of one accord

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Although my computer  is still down and may be for at least a week or two more, my wife has graciously consented to put this week’s poems on her computer, from a backup papery copy so that I can post them.



If you watch TV for any length of time
You’ll see some plagiarism in the title
But it came from God’s Holy Spirit
To those sitting around being idle

I’m sure that this applies to much of the world
But Americans are the Lord’s Lat Stronghold
The Lord will bring the end time upon us sooner if
These ungodly situations should continue to unfold

Can I make you fathom this more clearly
God loves every person that He Created
It’s all the sinful things in your lifetime
That God our Father has always hated

The world we live in is controlled by satan but
He knows that the Lord is watching him as well
That’s why God wants you to walk in His Ways
The last place that He wants you to go is to hell

Father God wants you to get to know him better
Or even if you never knew the Lord before
That’s why I got this particular assignment
It’s just for you that He’s opening up the door

Get to know God by reading the complete bible
In the Book of Prophets it all leads to God’s Son
It takes you on an amazing journey that clearly shows
That messiah is a part of the Trilogy of the Holy One

The bible has all of the answers to any question that
You’ll ask throughout your entire life on earth
If you’re unable to find it just ask a Spiritual Leader
He will show you just how much God’s Word is worth

Lastly for a one way ticket to get into God’s kingdom
Confess your sins and accept the Lord as our Salvation
You’ll become a new creation that’s been born again
I pray that God fills your life with joy and jubilation

get youtr



The wedding vows that you will share
With G-d and each other to be true
Are really an affirmation of what
The three of you already knew

To Love Honor Cherish and Obey
Each other and the L-rd of Hosts
You committed yourselves in servitude
To G-d who both love the most

Some things that you do for Him may differ
And some will be the same
But all done for G-d’s Glory
You both Bless and Praise His Name

The time you have on earth to share
Will be renewed when you both see
Each other in G-d’s Kingdom and
Are together for all Eternity