Friday, September 27, 2013



Read on my viewers and you shall see
The story of Yeshua king of the Jews
He came to earth through a virgin birth
To tell the people of God’s Good News

In life he went unblemished and free of sin
Performing miracles for the world to see
God’s Sacrifice Lamb who gave up His Life
For all who believed to be set Spiritually Free

That was only the beginning of His Time here on earth
For the Lord’s Holy Spirit now lies within our souls
We can go to Him directly with any situation that arises
His never ending Love Grace and Mercy will fill in the holes

Yeshua’s original mission on earth was to the Jew first and
Then Gentile Believers were grafted into God’s Tree of Life
Unbelievers won’t be allowed to pass through heaven’s gates
Only believers can go to God the Father and be free of strife

I urge all who still don’t know Him to accept Yeshua as Lord
If you don’t when your time runs out on earth it’ll be too lat
Because you’ll be spending the rest of your infernal life
Drooling for the food that’s on an extremely hot dinner plate



Have you ever thought about your body parts
And why they do some of the things they do
There’s a very simple explanation out there
But in actuality it’s not even about you

You see you were made in God’s image
Every part is where it’s supposed to be
And other parts play an important role
Connecting places that you can’t even see

Every single one has a specific function
It may be to see feel hear smell or taste
God even provided a couple of parts to
Help you get rid of unnecessary waste

At times you have problems with the parts
It might have even been caused by you
A couple of prominent examples of this are
What you eat and lack of exercising you do

There’s one thing that we don’t have power over
It’s when things go wrong that we can’t control
The natural aging process is one of many causes
It’s God’s eventual right and claim to your Soul

So thank Him for all of the good parts
Don’t fret over those that you can’t see
Either way it’s all in God’s Hands and
One day you’ll be totally sickness free

Friday, September 20, 2013



Every so often the Lord pokes at me
Through the power of His Holy Spirit
God had a special message for me today
And wanted to make sure that I’d hear it

The message that He sent me was kiss
Translated it means keep it simple son
The words that I give you will resonate
Coming from the Great I Am the Holy One

I know that you know that you’re one
Of a multitude of vessels in My Flock
So what I’m about to reveal to you
Won’t come as too much of a shock

Tell your readers to keep a watchful eye
I’ll be returning sooner than they think
Although I won’t tell you exactly when
It will be faster than your eyes can blink

The world needs to hear this message
But as I told earlier keep it simple son
Warn them that it will get very ugly at first
But to keep their faith I am the Holy One



Where are you in your walk with God
Is it with the Lord on a Spiritual path
Or into things that know you are wrong
Unaware of the power of God’s Wrath

Where are you in your walk with God
Again I’ll ask the very same question
If you can’t answer in a positive way
I’d like to offer a positive suggestion

If you haven’t professed Yeshua as Messiah
And asked for the forgiveness of your sins
It’s the very first thing you need to do on
The journey to where all Salvation begins

But that’s only the first part in your walk
There are more things that you need to do
I’ll give you as heads up on a few of them
The rest of your walk is strictly up to you

First you need to read the complete bible
From front to back all answers are there
Then if someone has any question or need
 It’s a perfect way of Gods Word to share

Keep walking on God’s straight and narrow path
In every way possible you need to walk the walk
God is with you every single minute of each day
He will always know if you’re just talking the talk

The final reward that you receive is just as awesome
You’ll be blessed to be with the Lord for eternal life
Believers have a resting place in God’s Heavenly Realm
Freed from every form of tension sickness and strife

Friday, September 13, 2013

An important note to my viewers

If you know of anyone who doesn't know Yeshua, but is searching, please lead them to this website and tell them to read this week's first poem titled "THE BLESSING". If they need any additional help or information, they can inquire on my blog comments or email me @ joels30144@ with either of these titles: Salvation or Completion



The Lord has blessed me in so many ways
Since I was completed in Him as a Jew
A Godly wife my poetry website long life
And an extended family just to name a few

I had thought there’s no way I can repay God
For the whole world and all its surroundings
Is there to Serve and Bless God’s Holy Name
That He chose to share it with us is amazing

The Son of God bore all the sins of mankind
He gave this to mankind just for believing
And yet many blaspheme His Holy Name
Not realizing their action is self deceiving

On the brighter side of this two headed coin are
Those who serve the Lord without hesitation
I know that these vessels who’ve chosen to serve
Are bringing God immense joy and jubilation

My pray is that each one of you are the latter
If not but it’s something that you want to do
All it takes is a small prayer from your mouth
For God’s Blessings to be poured out on you

Say the following and mean it in your heart
Lord I’m sorry that I’ve sinned against You
I accept you as my personal Lord and Messiah
Your Name will be a part of the good that I do

Now that you’ve received Salvation or been Completed
The works that you do in His Name have just begun
Be bold and tell others of your personal testimony
That Blesses the Father His Holy Spirit and the Son



I get many thoughts relayed to me through the Holy Spirit
Regarding subjects that the Lord wants me to write about
But because I don’t remember to write them all down
Sadly quite a few of them often wind up getting left out
I really don’t feel good when that happens
All that I’m able to do is to hope and pray
That maybe God will chose to repeat them
Back too me on the next or some other day

Or perhaps if I didn’t catch them right away
I know that He knows the exact reason why
So God hands that task over to another vessel
And gives me other thoughts to catch your eye

I won’t make excuses for the word that may get lost
God understands that I’ll still give this task my all
I’ll continue to be obedient in whatever way He asks
Until that very last day when I receive His Final Call                                  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

MY KING LIVES ©2013 Expressions of Life

 As promised, I believe both of this week's poems are appropriate now that the 1st of the Jewish High Holy Days, Rosh Ha Shana has ended at sundown. The 10 Days of Awe leads up to Yom Kippur. My visiting poet this week is both an accomplished poet and author. Trudi & I had the pleasure of meeting him and his lovely wife Arlene last week at the Decatur Book Festival. I know that you will enjoy reading his poem as much as we did.

MY KING LIVES   ©2013 Expressions of Life   
My King left His throne, born into the human race as a baby, crawling, gurgling, drooling; the Creator of sound unable to utter a word.

My King grew into an uncrowned royal toddler, learning to walk,
touching everything around Him, experiencing, with human hands,
all that He created.

My King, unrecognized, grew into a Jewish teenager, talking with the Temple Rabbis who marveled at His words, not grasping His royalty or the fact that their Messiah was enlightening for them the very words He wrote.

My King grew into manhood working in the carpenter shop with His earthly Abba making chairs, tables, cabinets. Then suddenly, His Highness put down the tools, kissed His mother good‑bye and walked to the Jordan where John recognized His Royalty and baptized Him,
and Father affirmed His call.

My King, knowing this earth was not His kingdom, served as a Rabbi at thirty, a teacher, a healer, a lover of the unlovable, calling those whom He
created to walk with God the Father in relationship rather than a rulebook.

My King was obedient to His earthly call as completely God and completely man, fulfilling the scripture He wrote, not uttering a word as they shed His Royal blood. On the cross, it was not revenge but “Father, forgive them." “King of the Jews” scornfully tacked on His cross.

My King died! Soldiers pulled His limp body from the cross. How frail He seemed!  Only three hours, so little time to kill the greatest Man to ever live. Overcome with tears, not understanding, those who loved my King
carried Him the tomb.

My King did not remain in the tomb. He conquered death. Three hours to die, three days dead, and then victory! The King of the Jews became the King for all humankind giving us the gift of eternity.

My King now lives high and lifted up at the Father's side and in the hearts of all of us who believe.
My King Lives!
Is your King alive?                                   

©2013 Expressions of Life   



With all of the turmoil in the world today
I believe the enemy is in for a big surprise
For it’s with fervent prayer that we declare,

The Lord shall scatter His enemies
With the sound of a piercing voice
They will be relegated to darkness
It’s not like they even had a choice

And the righteous will be overjoyed
For they know God is in total control
Only the Lord does what man cannot
For only He is the Savior of our soul

When God separates the closet believer
From the faithful whose heart is pure
The Angels and Saints will be overjoyed
Knowing all that they’ve had to endure

Then heaven’s gate will open wide
To receive all who seek God’s Face
What a blessing it will be just to know
That now we are in a far better place