Next week marks the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days. I feel that next weekend's posting is the appropriate time to post a poem by another visiting poet. Paul Samuels is just that and is an author as well.
I know that you will enjoy this particular poem that he wrote which is fitting for the occasion as much as I did. Blessings in Yeshua, Joel
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
People spend their
whole lives searching
For the answers to
multitudes of mysteries
Often the answer is
right in front of them
If they’d only look
at the course of history
Why is the color of
the sky blue and why
Do animals rely on
instinct instead of brains
How the sun shine on
one side of the street
And yet directly
across the street it rains
Why are there so many
different languages and
What uncharted worlds
lie beyond us in the sky
One by one these
questions are being answered
But have you ever
thought about how or why
These questions
really have a very simple answer
It’s because Father
God is the creator of all things
And because mankind
was made in His Image
He allows us to
discover some of the joys they bring
Or the dangers and
pitfalls and how to avoid each one
Yet so many
unanswered questions remain a mystery
When and if the Lord
feels that we need to know them
As I said before the
answer becomes a part of history
Gods have been given
many names by all groups of people
Throughout history
many have even created more than one
The one who
is omnipotent and still called by many names
Is the Tri Unity of
God the Father the Holy Spirit and the Son
I reiterate this point
that I’ve made as a factual statistic
Because all that you
really need to do is to look around
Messiah Yeshua is the
only God who is alive inside of you
And all of the false
gods still lie buried in the ground
God has revealed so
many wonderful things to us which
He spoke into existence
and is longing for us to know
By faith He alone is
the answer to unanswered questions
Helping to make His
Holy Spirit that’s inside of us to grow
I have the ability to
check the total number
Of daily viewers on
my Spiritual poetry site
It also tells me what
countries they’re from
Something that I do
each and every night
It’s not a pride
thing that I seek for personal praise
Because looking at the
big picture it’s not about me
But how the Lord
works through me as His vessel
To those who seek
Salvation to be Spiritually Free
Or for those Believers
who already know the Lord
But may seek solace
in Him for some grief or pain
Thank you Father for
providing me with these words
That have done what
was needed over and over again
I often wonder about
the people that I haven’t reached
When the day’s
numbers are just a few or even none
I understand that the
Lord is also using other vessels
For all who seek Him
and the Victory that He’s won
So for whatever
reason that God drew you to my blog
I’m here to help fill
your cup in the daytime or night and
Because the Lord is a
compassionate understanding God
In His time I know
that whatever you seek will turn out right
Friday, August 23, 2013
First let me preface this poem by saying that it will show just how awesome the Lord our God is if you are obedient and faithful to Him. His Holy Spirit which lives inside of you will always lead you down the correct path. I am definitely a hopeless romantic. Since the Lord allowed my wife Trudi & I to connect on 8/19/01, I do not send her cards for any occasion; but rather write her a poem. On the 12th anniversary of our first conversation on the phone, she gave me the most beautiful card that she has ever gin me during that time. Sadly, even though I remembered the date, I was remiss & had nothing for her. She went out to do an errand without me & that's when the Lord through His Holy Spirit sat me down & gave me the following words to put into verse:
You and I are a part
of an awesome team
Founded by God with
this purpose in mind
To serve and extol
the Lord Most High and
To spread His Word
throughout mankind
Another reason God
brought the two of us together
Was that not only did
our Souls and Spirits jell
Eternity is just one
of the Lord’s Infinite Numbers
He knew our love will
stand the test of time as well
I make this vow to
you as a solemn pledge
The ways of satan
will never tear us apart
You and I may have
some differences over time
But the Lord and You
will always have my heart
Sufficient words are hard to come by
To thank you for your generosity
It will help me to press forward
And means so very much to me
You may not fully understand these words
But in God’s Time I pray that you do
My prayer for you and all Jews and Gentiles
Is that someday you will know Yeshua too
If you were to have the belief as I do that
To unbelievers heaven’s gates will be closed
Simply because they reject the Son of God
And therefore have never been exposed
He said, “No one comes to the father but through Me.”
For His Life was the ultimate blood sacrifice
God said that without a Blood Atonement for your sins
You will not be able to enter heaven’s paradise
It is because I believe that I also grieve
For I don’t know that I’ll never see
When my time on earth is over
So many of my friends and family
But one day Israel will come to faith
And God’s People will be of one accord
Saying, “Baruch Haba Bashem Adonai,
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”
Friday, August 16, 2013
As is my custom, when I see a piece
from a visiting poet, writer or author which as a poet, I enjoy so much that it
gives me a warm feeling inside; I feel the need to share it with my viewers.
The awesome piece below was written by a Messianic Jewish woman who is fellow
congregation member. Sarah Rivera has also been a writer and journalist. I know
that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did, followed by one of my poems for this
week. Have a Blessed Day!
A Friend Who Walks
With Me
To you, I seem all alone,
but what you can't see
is the friend who walks with me.
Who gently hugs me
and takes my hand
to guide me.
Unseen, He lifts me up.
In times of trouble, He is there --- in my deepest despair.
He's there, with greatest joy
to shower me
with His love.
How can I want, or be afraid
when He is by my side?
In the dark of night, and the light of day
Whether I call Him or not.
He lifts me up, and keeps me whole.
My greatest prayer for you
is that you know Him too ---
My Friend.
To you, I seem all alone,
but what you can't see
is the friend who walks with me.
Who gently hugs me
and takes my hand
to guide me.
Unseen, He lifts me up.
In times of trouble, He is there --- in my deepest despair.
He's there, with greatest joy
to shower me
with His love.
How can I want, or be afraid
when He is by my side?
In the dark of night, and the light of day
Whether I call Him or not.
He lifts me up, and keeps me whole.
My greatest prayer for you
is that you know Him too ---
My Friend.
What in the world is
it going to take
To rid this planet of
jealousy and hate
Has satan’s grip
consumed so many people that
For some when Messiah
returns it will be too late
There are many
different beliefs about God but
We know that only the
one who lives is true
One of several ways
we know this to be a fact
Is because His Holy
Spirit lives inside of you
To love thy neighbor
as thy self is one of the
Prime commandment
that Yeshua did decree
And not just to turn
the other cheek
But He said to also
love your enemy
One by one satan will
lose his grip because so many
New believers will
ask for the forgiveness of their sins
And profess Yeshua as
their Lord and Messiah
On that very same day
their eternal life begins
Friday, August 9, 2013
How do I know what
I’ve titled this poem
Just today I saw the
Lord’s work in action
It was something that
happened to my wife
That gave us both a
great deal of satisfaction
She was in the
parking lot of a local Market
When she spotted a
wandering homeless man
She looked all around
for him a second time
The man had vanished
as only the Lord can
Being obedient she
had taken out money for him
She knew that it
would be the right thing to do
I know that the Lord
saw what was in her heart
Would you do the same
if it happened to you
The Lord is with you
no matter where you may go
You never know when
this might happen to you
This will show up
when you’re judged in heaven
So please give the
Lord a right attitude to view
How often we’ve heard
people cursing
Taking the name of
the Lord in vain
Not just one time or
not even twice
But repeating it over
and over again
I can honestly say
that I’ve been guilty of this
Especially a time
long ago when I was younger
But then when I
realized what I’d done wrong
I begged God’s
Forgiveness with a burning hunger
There are numerous
reasons why people curse
Often many of them
say it’s out of frustration
With others it’s a
part of every day language
But either way doing
it is still an abomination
For in the bible one
of God’s Commandments
Is that we’re not to
blaspheme His Holy Name
Through Yeshua all of
our sins are forgiven and
Yet Sadly it’s still
one that’s the ultimate shame
I’m not a theologian
so I’m unsure how to respond to this
But I know a number
of them and I’m sure I can find out
If you’re curiosity
is peaked and you’d like an answer
The thing that you’ll
need to do is to give me a shout
Send me an email and
I’ll ask people that I know
I too would like to
learn exactly how they feel
Understanding God’s
Truth will be comforting
And I pray also that
the Lord will let us heal
Whatever the answer
is that I do come up with
Most likely will come
in the form of a rhyme
You’ll find it one
day by checking my website
But I know that it
will only come in God’s time
Friday, August 2, 2013
Although some viewers may not see this, I'd like to put it out there, I'm going to attempt to do so on a weekly basis followed by the 2 poems for the week, (if you’ve already seen this message scroll down for this week’s poems) so that more viewers will see it and leave comments if they choose to. Your comments, (positive or negative) help me.
To do this, you can either sign up on my blog page (near the bottom of this page. There is no cost to you) or you can email me with @ & title it: Blogspot Poetryo comments. The email address is also located on my biography on the right side of this page. In the biography is also a link to purchasing my book of Spiritual Poetry at a cost of $5 plus shipping. See below for this week's poems that the Lord has blessed me with. Thank you & have a blessed day in Yeshua.
I know you’re a child
of the living God
But with that also
comes responsibility
To serve God however
you’re needed
It often leads many
leaders to futility
There are many things
that are needed
To keep a
congregation going strong
You need to step up
and pitch in
But you already knew
that all along
Not just when the
Spirit moves you
You can’t just act Holier
than thou
You want to be
pleasing to the Lord
And I’m positive that
you know how
Though I wrote this
to one particular person
If they read the poem
they’ll know who it is
I know that this also
apples to many others
Now go and give God
the Glory that is His
When someone serves
without being asked
God in turn will
bless them in many ways
He knows how faithful
they’ve been to Him
It will be with them for
the rest of their days
I asked the Lord what
I must do to reach
More of the unsaved
souls within His flock
He said to just keep
writing as I have been
Your door will be
open when people knock
I’ll always be a
zealot for the Lord my God
Even though the flaws
that I have are many
The Lord said that
I’m forgiven of my flaws
In His eyes it’s as though there weren’t any
I don’t believe that
I can help the way I feel
All that I want to
see is that sinners are saved
The devil looks to
increase the world of them
Thriving on the sins
of the morally depraved
The Lord God wants
just the opposite of that
He made you in His
image for that very reason
Like a card game love
and peace has always trumped
The madness and
hostility of the world in any season
I give you my heart
my life my Soul Lord
I hope and pray
others will see Your Light
I’m just one of many
vessels in Your flock
To see that all You created
turns out right
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Although some viewers may not see this, I'd like to put it out there, I'm going to attempt to do so on a weekly basis followed by the 2 poems for the week, so that more viewers will see it. Your comments, (positive or negative) help me. To do this, you can either sign on to my blog near the bottom of this page. (there is no cost to you) or you can email me with your comments @ which is also on my biography on the right side of the page. In the biography is also a link to purchasing my book of Spiritual Poetry @ a cost of $5 plus shipping. See below for this week's poems that the Lord has blessed me with. Thank you & have a blessed day in Yeshua.
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