Saturday, November 24, 2012



It sounds like a very simple question
Just what does Israel mean to you
As a believer in God it’s the heritage that
Belongs to both the Gentile and the Jew

The bible says that we’re all seeds of Abraham
Following his lineage it takes two steps more
God said that Isaac was His child of promise and
Jacob aka Israel God said He’d love forever more

The land that God gave to His chosen people is
One that no other people or nation can refute
Yet those that God put them in the midst of
Don’t understand or agree and always dispute

The Gentiles share a stake in Israel as well
Messiah and the Tree of Life grafts them in
Others who occupy the land claim it as theirs
Believing this lie God may even consider a sin

All that God’s people want is to live in peace
Something that satan always looks to destroy
What the devil is unable to comprehend is that
There’s nothing greater than the Will of Adonai

Those that may not agree with what I’ve written
Could possibly be a part of the coming end days
Messiah’s return and the devastation that follows
Will show that it’s too late to change their ways



I’m reminded of Neal Diamond
Who sang, “I write the song.”
Similarly I write the poems that you read and
Then God places them right where they belong

Verses in the bible tell us that
God has given each of us a gift
Through the power of the Holy Spirit
And to use it to encourage and uplift

Such is the case of the words that you read but
I’m just a vessel who is spreading God’s word
The Holy Spirit speaks through the words I write
To tell you things that God wants read and heard

I pray that I’ve made this understood to you and
That God’s message is coming in loud and clear
When it happens I want you to feel His presence
He is close to someone that He holds very dear

Friday, November 23, 2012


To my Readers:
The Lord has put a special request in my bonnet which He has asked me to pass along to you. Right now, He has allowed me to get His word through my poetry into a total of 50  countries which are listed below. God's Word needs to be heard throughout the world, so I'm asking for your help. If you know of anyone  in a country  that is not listed below, who enjoys poetry and would like to hear  the word that I receive from God through the power of His Holy Spirit, please tell them to log on to Thank you and Blessings in Yeshua.

1U.S.A., 2Russia, 3China, 4Germany, 5Canada, 6India,
7Japan, 8Phillipines, 9Netherlands, 10Portugal, 11Latvia,
12Ukraine, 13United Kingdom, 14S. Korea, 15Anguilla,
16Australia, 17Singapore, 18Brazil, 19Indonesia, 20Trinida
& Tobago, 21Poland, 22 Switzerland, 23Sweden, 24France,
25Afghanistan, 26Ecuador, 27Bahamas, 28Honduras,
29Moldova, 30Turkey, 31Slovenia, 32Ireland, 33Mexico,
34Pakistan, 35Kuwait, 36Thailand, 37Colombia, 38Iraq,
39Guam, 40Hong Kong, 41Taiwan, 42Venezuela, 43Egypt,
44Italy, 45Kenya, 46 Malaysia, 47Nigeria, 48Jamaica,
49Israel, 50South Africa

Saturday, November 17, 2012



Give thanks to the Lord God our creator
Whose power is Omnipotent and Grand
Yet so many people do not accept Him
Because of things they don’t understand

It’s quite a very simple concept which
Even some men of science can agree
Although they say theoretically that
They have proven that this cannot be

I am far from being a biblical scholar but
I do believe what the bible says and means
Because I have blind faith in God’s Divinity
Those theories aren’t worth a hill of beans

I wasn’t there to see the things that happened
But I believe what was written and will testify
That God gave it to His prophets to write down
We know that God can’t doesn’t and won’t lie

Those that finally do accept God’s written word
Come to faith when they feel that all else is lost
They can see that God is always there to turn to
Yet still don’t understand the price that it cost

Father God gave to the world His only begotten Son
Whose blood atonement frees us from all worldly sin
But only if you will profess Him as Lord and Messiah
At that moment your circumstances become a win/ win

At this point your life starts a new beginning and no end
For when you pass away God has granted you eternal life
To enter His kingdom with all of your heavenly treasures
Abiding with the Lord freed from sickness pain and strife

You must also understand that this gift does not come free
Daily you must ask forgiveness for sins that you may not see
Becoming a vessel for the Lord and spreading God’s Word
Is not only a blessing but a vital part of your responsibility


We’ll be spending our Thanksgiving
By driving over to Grandma’s house
Not a soul will go hungry
Not even a little mouse

She started preparing
On the night before
If there was anything missing
She sent Grandpa to the store

Everything must be perfect
On this day you see
For it isn’t very often
That we gather as a family

After a long trip we arrive there
The first thing we do is turn on the TV
To watch the Thanksgiving Day parade
There are marching bands and floats to see

Before we begin eating
We hold hands and pray
Thank you Lord for the blessings
That you have given us this day

And we also pray a special blessing for
The men and women who protect our liberty
Please God keep them safe from harm
They understand that freedom isn’t free

Then Grandpa says, “Let’s eat I’m starving.”
The first thing on the menu is soup in a cup
In the background we listen to Holiday music
This always helps us to keeps our spirits up

Uncle Charlie carves the turkey and
Asks if we want dark meat or white
And even with this many people
There will be plenty to take home tonight

Pass the gravy and the rolls please
The peas and sweet potatoes too
The cornbread stuffing is delicious
And may I have some apple cider too

When we finish with the main course
The women will help to put things away
While the men go and watch a football game
Actually there are several of them on TV today

Once everything else has been cleaned up
Grandma serves coffee and pumpkin pie
All of a sudden it feels like we’re stuffed
For same strange reason we wonder why

Before we head back to our homes
There are still two things to be done
First we help to set up the Christmas tree
Then we join hands and thank the Holy One

Thank you Lord for the blessings of this special day
We ask for traveling mercies and Your Grace again
May all of our hearts be filled with Your goodness
And to this prayer all of Your children say, “AMEN.”

Saturday, November 10, 2012


An important message from the poet

       I don’t claim to be a prophet but the words that I write do come from God’s Holy Spirit and I have no reason to doubt their validity. Some who read the words that I’m given may believe that I’m being biased. My response to that is a definite no and that God is in complete control of all situations, even knowing what will happen before it happens. If this election is a sign that is bringing us closer to the end days, I’m sure that God had it pre planned. I just know that even though God gives us free will choice, that doesn’t make Him happy with many of the choices that we make.
       I realize that they say that basically all politicians tend to stretch the truth, but it’s up to us as individuals to check these things out to see if they were true or false. That didn’t happen in this election and this is the basis of the words which I’ve been given to write. Unless I receive something else from the Lord, these next two poems will be my final two that pertain to the election. I’ll close this commentary by saying:
       If the shoe fits, you need to put it on and be accountable for what I perceive to be words that I received about our future as a nation, all because you may have had an ulterior motive without investigating whether or not the rhetoric and statements made by either party were accurate before casting your ballot. Or then again, perhaps you just enjoy getting free stuff that honest people have to work hard for.
       I also welcome any responses to this poetry.!



The two thousand twelve election is over
Keeping the Democratic party in power
And God has conveyed to me that we’re
Closer to the end time devastation hour

Many different ethnic backgrounds and faiths
Chose to listen and believe all of their rhetoric
Without investigating if it was true or false
We’ve just re-elected an egotistical lunatic

How can and how dare I berate our President
I’m old so what can those in power do to me
For now I still have right of freedom of speech
But even that may be taken one day you’ll see

Do these paragraphs mean that I’m prejudiced
I can response to that with both a yes and no too
I’m not biased toward any ethnicity or religion but
They need to be held accountable for what they do
I believe in truth justice and the American way however
My first allegiance is to the Lord God who has set me free
I’ve been granted a pass through pearly gates in heaven
With a place to store my treasures for the rest of eternity

Those who read this and are guilty of complacency
Will scoff and say that I must be out of my mind
There are millions of people who feel just like me
A majority with wide open eyes who aren’t blind

A prime example of the pied piper theory
Was quite evident in the previous century
Germany was led down this very same path
By a lunatic who involved the nation in heresy

If you are a true believer in the Lord God
Wake up and don’t let this happen again
I pray that your eyes will open before it’s too late
And close my thoughts with let it be so or AMEN



The Presidential election is now over
As you know the Democrats have won
The word that the Holy Spirit gave me
Was that more devastation has begun

I really hope that the word what I was given
Was a message that came through in error
The view I was given after the election was
 Of poverty destruction devastation and terror

Of course this is not a good thing
But what you need to understand
Is that our nation had just fulfilled
Things that God had already planned

I believe that one way that we got there
Was through ignorance and complacency
The majority of these people had refused to
Let God in for Him to set them Spiritually free

The following are perfect examples of this
That take place now as well as in the past
Reasons that the end times are getting closer
And the world as we know it now won’t last

On the day following the election I felt as though
At least for one day that I needed to wear black
Sympathizing with those of our once great nation
Who fear we’ll never see our glory days come

We’ve become a fifty/fifty nation
Half will and the other half give
Which one describes your attitude
God knows this is not the way to live

We’re now a nation of too many complacent people
Although God has given us the ability to think
Taking a person’s word without checking facts is
Just one of many reasons that put us on the brink

These are the very same people who would allow
Someone else like the government to pay their way
Ethics and self sufficiency has given way to apathy
One more reason why we are where we are today

One prime examples of devastation from the past is
Germany doing the same exact thing many years ago
The masses became a nation of pied piper followers
And the end result is something that we all know

My next example goes way back but is still evident today
It is all about those who rejected the Deity of God’s Son
All because they refused to look at the facts as written down
Clearly proof of man’s salvation the victory that Yeshua won

As one of the Lord’s Vessels through God’s Holy Spirit
After tending a message like this all that I can do is pray
Father Forgive us showing Your Mercy and Compassion and
Restore Spiritual Values to the once Godly Nation of the U.S.A.

Sunday, November 4, 2012



With just two days before the election
God is watching to see what we’ll do
Although He already knows the result
He still has given free will choice to you

How will you use this gift from the Lord
Will you return the incumbent to power
Or will you vote that will bring a change
It may or may not decide the world’s final hour

I’m not looking to influence your choice in any way
However what I’m giving you is my personal belief
God conveys things to me through His Holy Spirit
To abuse His gift would cause me to receive much grief
Although the Lord blesses me with this awesome gift
He may tell me things that I might not want to know
So I will not sugar coat or change what God gives me
It’s something my viewers have the right to know

He gave me two alternative poems for post election
One that shows stagnation which will lead to decay
The other shows hope for much brighter tomorrows
One that won’t hinder our God given right to pray

Either choice will ultimately be in our best interest
Choosing to stay put draws us closer to the end days
A change to more Godly ways show there’s still time
Before the Lord returns to destroy satan’s evil ways  

So with two days of Grace until the election
Let your conscience make the choice for you
God’s infinite wisdom knows the right path
Will you stay put or bring in someone new



When it comes time to go to sleep
I get there without counting sheep
Because I’m a child of the Great I Am
I commit my soul to His Precious Lamb

Yeshua gave His life that all may receive
Salvation for the forgiveness of our sins
To become a creation that is born again
A prelude to where eternal life begins

Sadly there are many who will not accept Him
Even though He’s the bearer of this good news
First and foremost of the ones who still doubt
Are many of His own people yes it’s the Jews

Why are they so adamant that He isn’t the Messiah
There are many unfounded reasons that they will give
I’ll tell you a few but I still keep them in my prayers
That God removes the blinders for their souls to live

This had already been pre planned by God the Father
Starting with most of the head rabbis of Yeshua’s time
If they had believed they would lose power and wealth
It was much easier to accuse Him of an unproven crime

Passed down through the ages it was even related that
The man who others called God had even ever existed
In the early nineteen-fifties they called Him a Prophet
Thus the blinders which they bore still hadn’t been lifted

Over the years many Jews have become agnostic
Keeping their identity but they don’t go to temple
Others would attend just on the High Holy Days
All the things that God considers a bad example

There is a much simpler way to remove the blindfolds
Prophets in the Tenach wrote of the coming Messiah
But so many don’t even open that part of their bible
Either out of complacency or a lack of knowledge desire

They won’t even attempt to look at the New Covenant
Saying that it is a book that’s related to another belief
Totally clueless that it was written by Jews to the Jew
If they had it would never be a source of so much grief

Basically that is all that it would take to know the truth
I implore you to take a closer look you‘ve nothing to lose
It doesn’t matter what your friends or family think or say
Once Salvation’s Light has brought you God’s Good News