Sunday, April 29, 2012



This poem is about a subject which
Those who are believe already know
It’s written to help others understand
And to help their Spirituality to grow

Yeshua said that the most important commandments
Were to love God with everything that is within you
The second is to love your neighbor as yourself
Which is something that many people do not do

In my congregation this is second nature
Applying to members and visitors as well
We do not boast saying, “Look what I did.”
For we would not want our head to swell

God sees and knows everything that you do
One day your deeds will have its own reward
Whether here on earth or in God’s Kingdom
Where all believers know they are heading to

Read the bible all the way through
It’s the world’s most printed book
Written by the Greatest Author ever
It answers all questions when you look

As you get into the New Testament
Your eyes will open and you’ll see
That Yeshua is the only way to God
Your sins forgiven you’ve been set free

As a Jew you are completed in Him
The Gentile is Spiritually Born Again
Believing in Yeshua earns you eternal life
At a time of God’s choosing where and when



A number of the poems that I’ve written say
That God doesn’t promise you a rose garden
Whatever the circumstances if He leads you to it
He’ll get you through it so don’t let your heart harden

Put your complete trust in God by having
Blind faith in whatever decision He makes
And do your part to help make things right
A positive attitude improves the odds in the stakes

The words that I write are from a personal perspective
My body is full of arteries and I’m in constant severe pain
My blood pressure is very high and I could just give up but
My faith in God says, “Don’t give up, there’s nothing to gain.”

If the Holy Spirit told me that my time is nearing the end
I’d know it was something that God had decided
And I wouldn’t be afraid of what would come next
For I am saved by the sacrifice that Messiah provided

That’s all good for there’s no sickness in heaven
As well as a mansion where I’d be able to rest
But for now I know that is not what God’s saying
Because by showing my faith I’ve passed His test

In other words I’ll do my part doing whatever it takes
To restore my health even though I’m getting up in age
So that I can serve God in whatever way that I’m able
Knowing that when my time is up God will turn to the next page

Monday, April 23, 2012


Normally, I don't post after Sunday, but this information is too good to pass up.

Yesterday, my wife Trudi and I and some close friends went to a museum called PASSAGES. It has biblical artifacts such as Torahs & Torah cases and many bibles (both Old and New Testaments) from the inception of when they were first written down. Eventually they were put into print. The displays show them in many different styles and languages with pictures in both black & white and color from all parts of the world, and shows how the early printing took place

Everything on display was extremely interesting. Each display case had number & you wore a head set attached to an IPAD. Where you punched in the main number of the cases & a narrator would explain details about each article in the display. It took us over 4 hours to go through the entire exhibit. You were able to leave the facility and come back. They also had tickets for extended visits if you wanted to come back on a different day. The only difficulty that I had was a lot of walking & my(almost) 75 yea old feet were hurting. They did however have many seat where you could rest.

If this should interest you, whether you live in the U.S or plan on visiting, I suggest you look up PASSAGES on the internet (google) The display has already been in several mid western cities and is now in Atlanta, Georgia. They are trying to get permits for Charlotte, North Carolina next. Tickets are pretty reasonable and there are numerous types of discounts. I don't know how long they stay in one area, but I assume that it's not for a short time.

I hope that some of my readers find this information useful and take advantage of it.

Sunday, April 22, 2012



On the day that you accept Yeshua as Messiah
By confessing sorrow for your committed sins
They’re all forgiven by the blood that He shed
Right then and there your newborn life begins

But the process doesn’t stop there because
We must ask God’s forgiveness every day
For we commit sins daily and may not be aware of them
God loves you even more when you give thanks and pray

Now have the courage and Holy Boldness to go forth
And spread God’s Word to everyone who would hear
That they too can receive the blessing of Salvation from God
That drives out the temptation which would call the devil near

But be forewarned for the devil lies and never quits
He will attempt to sneak in through any open crack
Remember that God has given you power to drive him out
Your faith love and devotion will keep him from coming back

Each Believer has been given some sort of ministry
To reach out and fill the unbeliever’s empty holes
Music prayer and teaching God’s Word are a few ways
Which will help to bring the Holy Spirit into their Souls

Show sincerity in the way that you minister for God
For He knows everything that you say think and do
Remember that the greatest gift that you’ll receive
Is the day when Messiah Yeshua comes back for you


Final Judgement

For most of my life I will admit that
I was afraid knowing that someday I would die
I could not explain why I felt this way
Sometimes these feelings would make me cry

Much later in my life I would understand
That there was no reason to feel that way
For Yeshua brought Salvation into my life
And now I live my life from day to day

His teachings showed me not to fear
When it's my time I have God's Grace
Then my Spiritual soul will be lead to Heaven
Which we all know is a much better place

Through Yeshua's blood all sin is forgiven
But unknowingly I sin each and every day
I must try even harder to walk in His way
So daily I ask God's forgiveness when I pray

I have no clue how I'll no judged
Only God knows what He plans
Each day I make Him my first priority
My ultimate fate is in the Lord's hands

I didn't write this to scare you or sound morbid
What I've written is just the facts sir ma'am
Placing God first in everything that you do
Will impact the decision of God and the Lamb

Sunday, April 15, 2012


At this time of the year we gather together
To observe the Holocaust Remembrance
A time in history when atrocities occurred and which other
Than to those who perpetrate it makes absolutely no sense

Millions of Jews and Gentiles had been tortured
And murdered because of their religious belief
The people who knew chose to looked the other way
Not seeing the tears and anguish in a family's grief

This was the evil work of the devil
People ask why God let this occur
We can not question God's reasoning
But look to the future for the answer

It might have been an End Time sign
As we await the day of Messiah's return
We know that these murderers will go to hell
And forever more their evil souls will burn

One of the reasons that we hold Yom Hashoa each and every year is
Because not one of us can change the atrocities that happened then
We mourn the horrors done to strangers friends and loved ones
Every one of us is responsible to see that it won’t ever happen again

The deceased victims are safe now for they are with God
On the day of His choosing God will bring us home too
Blessed to be with those that we know and love again
In His Eternal Kingdom for both the Gentile and Jew



Recently I checked my Blog statistics and noticed that
The number of readers for the month was quite low
I wondered if it was something that I had written
And asked the Lord if He would please let me know

Whatever the reason if it was me that was at fault
I’ll make the necessary apologies and corrections
But since I can not discern the reason on my own
That’s why Lord I’m asking for Your interjection

You provided me with this poetic ministry and
I know like all humans that I’ll make mistakes
Please show me whatever it is that I need to change
I am Your servant Lord and I’ll do whatever it takes

Because in the past You have shown the way
And led readers here and abroad to my site
Please tell me is it just me being paranoid
Or what I need to do to make things right

I am and always will be Your obedient servant
And continue to write the words that You provide
Please get me on the path to thinking straight
By letting me know what it is that You decide

No matter what I’ll always be grateful to You for
Allowing me the privilege of spreading Your Word
So that I may comfort people or lead them to You
It is extremely important that God’s Word be heard

Friday, April 6, 2012


Because the first night of Passover starts tonight, I have chosen to post next week's 2 poems a couple of days early. God bless you all and please absorb the true meaning of
the festival that God has commanded us to celebrate.



You all know the story about when Moses
Told Egypt's pharaoh to let God's people go
And because he had a very hardened heart
Pharaoh's responded with a resounding no

So God brought many plagues upon Egypt but
Pharaoh would not yield until the very last one
After ordering all of the Jewish first born slain
God did the exact same thing to pharaoh's son

Again after saying "go", he changed his mind
Commanding his army to kill all that would flee
God parted the water and they went safely across but
Pharaoh's army was swallowed up by the raging sea

God commanded the Jew to observe Passover each year
Years later Yeshua came so that we could know Salvation
And at a Passover Seder which was to be His very last meal
This is what the Lord said to His disciples in conversation,

“Eat of this matzo for it is My body that will be broken.
Drink of this wine for it symbolizes the blood I will shed.
My life will be forfeit so that My Father forgives all sin
Both turbulence and joy will you see in the years ahead.”

This is the very reason that we celebrate Communion
Remembering the Lamb of God and the fate He met
And why all believers tell of that fateful day
During Passover so that we will never forget

The day is coming when the Lord will return to earth
I believe that we are a part of this end time generation
Those who are lifted up and pass through heaven's gates
Have been bestowed with the Lord God's Eternal Salvation



Have you ever noticed that the theme
Of my poetry all seems to be the same
Let me explain the reason that I do this
Besides to bless the Lord’s Holy Name

When you repeat something over and over
Hopefully the message it brings will sink in
Lead you to accept Yeshua as your Messiah
Whose sacrifice absolved you of all sin

I cannot make this choice for you but
I’ve planted a seed that you may not see
Only God knows when to remove the blinders
So that those in Spiritual captivity can be set free

I know what you’re going through
I was once in your shoes as well
Now this wounded person that I was before
Has the Lord’s protection from satan’s spell

That’s not to say that I never sin but
I confess to God the wrongs I’ve done
And God continues to pour blessings on me
Because I walk in the path of His Only Son

I pray that you will see the light as well
Your life will never be as it was before
In Yeshua there is Salvation and eternal life
As well as peace and love forever more

Sunday, April 1, 2012



I find that many times I’ll hit a dry spell
When it pertains to my poetic writing
But when God chooses to provide them
I find it both exhilarating and exciting

And if I become impatient during a dry spell
The Lord will remind me that I need to wait
He will tell me exactly what I need to write and when
I’m His vessel to convey what He’s putting on my plate

All that I write that has Spiritual content
Are words and thoughts for you to read
Some may be just for your reading pleasure but
God knows that for others they will fill a need

I’ve even been told that I’ve become famous
But I tell them that the words are not mine
And even though it makes me feel important
They are from the Lord my God who is Devine

If you should ask me just how I know this
It’s because I believe that I know it’s true
God has given me so many worldwide readers
And at the same time given me a purpose too

I thank Him for this blessing each and every day
And while I’m at it I thank each of you as well
My inspiration has come through my Salvation
And has saved me from entering the pit of hell

Have you received the blessing of Salvation
If you haven’t I can tell you it’s a shame
Once you know God’s truth that sets you free
He guarantees that your life will never be the same



Something is special about writing poetry
It’s something that I like to do
It tells a story with rhyming lines
Providing benefits to both me and you

It has come naturally to me for many years
Something that I hope you’ll understand
What I didn’t know until my Salvation was that
All this time my words were guided by God’s Hand

Now that I know this hidden fact
The words you see just seem to flow
They were given for you to enjoy because
The Lord truly knows that I love Him so

Whatever benefit or pleasure that you receive
From any of the many pieces that I write
Are just as beneficial to me as well because
They keep me calm and help me sleep at night

I pray that God is playing a significant part
In your life as he has been and is in mine
God sacrificed His only Son to absolve all sin
A Father’s love that will stand the test of time