The Presidential election is now over
As you know the Democrats have won
The word that the Holy Spirit gave me
Was that more devastation has begun
I really hope that the word what I was given
Was a message that came through in error
The view I
was given after the election was
Of poverty destruction devastation and terror
Of course
this is not a good thing
But what you
need to understand
Is that our
nation had just fulfilled
Things that
God had already planned
I believe
that one way that we got there
Was through
ignorance and complacency
The majority
of these people had refused to
Let God in
for Him to set them Spiritually free
following are perfect examples of this
That take
place now as well as in the past
Reasons that
the end times are getting closer
And the
world as we know it now won’t last
On the day following the election I felt as though
At least for one day that I needed to wear black
Sympathizing with those of our once great nation
Who fear
we’ll never see our glory days come
We’ve become a fifty/fifty nation
Half will and the other half give
Which one describes your attitude
God knows this is not the way to live
We’re now a nation of too many complacent people
Although God
has given us the ability to think
Taking a person’s word without checking facts is
Just one of many reasons that put us on the brink
These are the very same people who would allow
Someone else like the government to pay their way
Ethics and self sufficiency has given way to apathy
One more reason why we are where we are today
One prime examples of devastation from the past is
Germany doing the same exact thing many years ago
The masses became a nation of pied piper followers
And the end result is something that we all know
My next example goes way back but is still evident
It is all about those who rejected the Deity of God’s
All because they refused to look at the facts as
written down
Clearly proof of man’s salvation the victory that
Yeshua won
As one of the Lord’s Vessels through God’s Holy Spirit
After tending a message like this all that I can do is
Father Forgive us showing Your Mercy and Compassion
Restore Spiritual Values to the once Godly Nation of
the U.S.A.